Pond and Lake Management Services
The experts at Smith Creek Fish Farm's lake and pond management service will create a thorough program and give each customer a long-term maintenance plan. Our mission is to protect our clients' ecosystem's inherent beauty and harmony. If the customer is having problems with their lake or pond, we will create a strategy specifically for them to restore the ecosystem's equilibrium. We manage ponds from 1/4 acre up to hundreds of acres
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Our Pond and Lake Management Services
Depending on the targeted management aims and the specific nature of each given lake system, lake management strategies might differ significantly. As a result, designing an efficient pond and lake management program for bigger systems necessitates not only a thorough initial biological study, but also extensive lake management expertise. Smith Creek Fish Farm offers the technical know-how and practical lake management experience to see each project through from start to finish.

Algae & Weed Control
We provide our local clients in the Buffalo, Rochester and Western New York area with professional DEC certified algae and aquatic vegetation control services that are ecologically sensitive with DEC and EPA certified products and best management practices. Our lake weed management and algae treatment solutions aid in the removal of toxic algae and unwanted exotic weeds that would otherwise threaten the aquatic ecosystem's stability
Biological and hydrological Analyses
Biological and hydrological assessments are performed to determine the different types of organisms, drainage basin volumes, and down stream modeling that exist in a given aquatic environment This data is then used to design a lake management plan as well as being used for DEC and EPA permitting and complience. Aquatic plant evaluations, algae assessments, and benthic macroinvertebrate investigations are all examples of biological assessments.

Water Quality Monitoring - It starts with testing!
It's critical to keep your lake clean and clear of hazardous bacteria, whether you use it for swimming, fishing, or simply to enjoy the scenery. We provide on-site water quality testing Water quality monitoring and testing on a regular basis will give you the information you need to maintain a thriving aquatic habitat. This is a part of our pond and lake management program.
Diffused Aeration Systems
We design and install diffused air aeration systems to enhance the quantity of oxygen in your aquatic habitat in our pond and lake management. These submerged diffuser systems push air and lift water, exposing the stagnant bottom water to the atmosphere where it releases bad gasses and absorbs life supporting oxygen. This is done by using a shore-based compressor powered by electric, solar or wind.

Remediation of Nutrients - fight eurtofication!
With our beneficial pond bacteria treatments, you can recover the health and beauty of your aquatic environment. The utilization of naturally existing microbes efficiently metabolizes surplus nutrients and breaks down organic debris that would otherwise obstruct the fresh water exchange required for an ideal environment, avoiding many common water quality issues.To remove excess phosphorus from big lakes, Phoslock and Aluminum sulfate (alum) may be used. An expert at Smith Creek Fish Farm will come and perform multiple applications of pond and lake management to lessen the nutrient load on the system and the possibility of water quality concerns like harmful algal blooms.
Aquatic Vegetation Control - Dont Wait! It won't get better next year
Invasive species are aggressive and difficult to control, which is why it's critical to recognize them early and implement a management plan before they take over a system. Small-scale selective treatments can be quickly adopted to control and destroy the invading species if found early. A successful invasive species control program must include monitoring. Regular inspections enable us to detect and eradicate any invasive plants before they spread.

Lake & Pond Fountains - So Many Choices!
A pond fountain enhances a home's enjoyment and value by increasing water quality and reducing mosquito activity; it may also serve as a majestic focal point, adding distinction and magnificence. Lake and pond fountains bring a touch of tranquillity to a professional environment while also delivering much-needed aeration. Smith Creek Fish Farm can assist you in determining the size, kind, and number of fountains required for optimal lake or pond upkeep. Our experts are well-versed in inspecting and performing any essential fountain maintenance to ensure that it is operating correctly and contributing to the health of your pond or lake. Fountains should be maintained on a yearly basis to ensure that they are providing the best possible service to your waterbody.
Fisheries Management - Farm Ponds to Lakes
Professional fisheries management is your passport to a thriving and sustainable fishery in any size waterbody, from ecosystem management to fish surveys, stocking, and removal to permitting and regulatory compliance. Successful fisheries management requires knowing the right species, sizes, and quantities of fish to stock, as well as the optimal time of year to do it. Smith Creek Farm Management provides strategic fish stocking services to assist your program. Our team has extensive expertise in producing and stocking a pond with fish.

Why Choose Smith Creek Fish Farm?
Smith Creek Fish Farm has been a family-owned and operated New York State certified fish hatchery since 1993. We offer a range of excellent lake or pond maintenance tools, dyes, water clarifiers, beneficial bacteria, herbicides, aeration equipment, and more. We pride ourselves on providing the very best products you will need to maintain a healthy pond or lake all year round.
We are here to help you with all your pond and lake needs. If you have a specific question about our pond and lake supplies please use our online chat for assistance or contact us by phone during our normal business hours and one of our team members will be able to support you. We are always happy to make recommendations and help out the best we can.

Pond Management Service in The Buffalo and Rochester Area
An yearly management plan, regardless of the size of your pond, aids in the long-term health and attractiveness of your waterbody. Professional pond management services also eliminate the uncertainties when it comes to your property's future, allowing you to postpone or perhaps avoid the huge expenditures connected with pond dredging. Instead, you can relax knowing that your waterbody is being well-cared for on a regular basis.

Pond Aeration-How to Choose?
Providing an oxygen-rich atmosphere within the pond is an important element of pond management services. This is where a well-designed and appropriately sized pond aeration system comes in handy. Your pond manager may suggest a floating fountain, a solar pond aerator, or a submerged diffused system, depending on your waterbody goals.
Oxygen Saturation Technology (OST)
Oxygen Saturation Technology (OST) is a state-of-the-art aeration system. The patent pending design dissolves oxygen gas directly into the water and releases it precisely where it is needed most. The OST’s design eliminates bubbles, which eliminates turbulence, sediment resuspension, and undesirable mixing. These systems can maintain dissolved oxygen (DO) levels as high as 20 mg/L directly over and into the sediments, where oxygen is needed most, providing exceptional water quality not achievable with traditional diffused air/aeration systems.

Biological Augmentation - Say NO to Muck
Ponds gradually fill up with organic matter, causing an accumulation of bottom muck and contributing to poor water quality. Microbial and enzyme-enriched products can help to keep aquatic habitats healthy. These naturally occurring microorganisms quickly metabolize excess pond nutrients and break down organic debris that would otherwise inhibit the freshwater exchange required for a healthy habitat, avoiding many common water quality issues.
Fish Stocking - for food and for fun
Your pond gives a wonderful chance to spend quality time with your family or children while enjoying nature and fishing. Consider stocking target fish species like Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, and Channel Catfish to help assure simple, lucrative fishing throughout the summer. Cold-water fish, such as trout, are a terrific seasonal addition for some enjoyable and simple winter fishing. Many pond management services recommend fish stocking.

Aquatic Vegetation Control-Biological and Mechanical
Triploid Grass Carp are an example of biological vegitation control. Grass Carp are not a magical solution but should be considered in many aquatic weed management programs. Harvesting is ideal for removing vast areas of undesirable aquatic vegetation and cutting channels through thick vegetation to provide swimming, boating, and fishing access. Harvesting is particularly successful for plants that develop a dense surface canopy or for annual plants that reproduce from seeds, such as water chestnut.