Aquathol K Liquid Herbicide provides control of aquatic weeds in a relatively short time, generally 3-4 weeks, and can provide long-term control depending on the application timing and the target species. Aquathol K- is a 40.3% Endothall liquid concentrate soluble in water used to treat a broad range of aquatic leafy plants. Aquathol K has a wide margin of tolerance for fish and other aquatic animals.
- Controls a wide range of submerged aquatic weeds
- Excellent for treatment of hydrilla, pondweed, and Eurasian milfoil
- Dosage rate is variable according to plant species
- Available in 1 gallon liquid form
- The active ingredient is 40.3% dipotassium salt of endothall
- Always read and follow label directions
- No shipment to AK, CA, CT, ID, HI, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT, WA & Canada
Aquathol K Selectivity
Control of submerged weeds such as Hydrilla, Eurasian Water Milfoil, and Curly Leaf Pondweed without harming other beneficial species such as Vallisneria, Water Stargrass, Chara, and Nitella. Aquathol® K does not affect beneficial emerged plants such as Spadderdock, Water Lilies, Pickerelweed, and Bulrushes, which are considered to be valuable in a sound aquatic habitat.
Site Specific
Aquathol K is a contact Herbicide with relatively short residual, and little movement from the treated area. The short residual contact time (12-48 hrs) makes it effective in still or slow-moving water in canals, ponds, and lakes.
Aquathol K Controls
Hydrilla, Eurasian Water Milfoil, Curly Leaf Pondweed, and other submerged nuisance plants. Aquathol K® is effective in muddy water because it does not bind to suspended sediment or organic matter.
Aquatic Plant Management tool for the removal of nuisance submerged aquatic plants and restoration of the aquatic habitat for fishing and other recreation
Dosage Rate Granular: 3.3-22 lbs. per acre-foot
Cannot be shipped to AK, CA, CT, DE, DC, HI, ME, MA, NJ, NY, PR, RI, VT, WA, or Canada